Monday, February 28, 2011

Look what's happening.....!

Dear Reader,

     Spring started popping out everywhere at our house over the weekend!

Jonquils .... and daffodils ....
And then there's Harry:) - Do you see him on the right in the background of the above photo?

I love daffodils!

.... And I love buds for some reason ...
 a harbinger of what is to come 

This camelia bush has been working on blooming for 2 years now ....
... has continuous buds that never progress ...
.... until now ....

The maples are beginning to bloom

As is our pear tree ... see the buds that will become beautiful little white flowers?
(and notice the grey clouds in the background -
thunderstorms and strong winds predicted for later today)

And this little birdhouse is anxiously awaiting its first family :)

Sing for joy before the Lord, all ye lands...

Know ye that the Lord he is God:
It is He that hath made us and not we ourselves;
We are His people and the sheep of His pasture ...
-from Psalm 100

Have a lovely day!



Rachel Wright {The Inspired House of Wright} said...

SO beautiful!! :) Our house is in bloom too, I just hope we don't have a serious frost and kill them all!

Mug said...

I know what you mean, Rachel...the same thought crossed my mind as I was posting this!

The 4 Bushel Farmgal said...

I love the daffodils, and the wonderful patch of clover beneath them! My mother could look at a patch of clover, bend down and pick a 4-leaf stem in no time flat.
But, then, she is part Irish ;)

Thanks for posting the flowers! They're beautiful.

MYstory of HIStory said...

What a treat to see your pics here. It's much different than what I saw outdoors here today ... the trees were covered in an icy coating. Stunning really! Later when it warmed it sounded like it was raining - but it was the ice melting.

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